All posts by Glen Jensen

About Glen Jensen

Glen grew up in Redmond, Utah where he learned to love animals while working on his grandfather's farm. Cattle have always been very intriguing and fun to participate in their production. Glen graduated from Kansas State University in 1994 where he received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. As the owner of two veterinary clinics he has also spent countless hours learning more about good business management practices. He has completed the Executive Management courses at Veterinary Practice Solutions and is a Goldman Sachs 10,000 Business Scholar Alumni. His passion is animal reproduction and is a member of the Society for Theriogenology, and cattle production management and is a member of the Academy of Veterinary Consultants.


Yearling Bull Fertility: Improving Herd Reproductive Efficiency

Reproductive efficiency is fundamentally the most important trait for profitability of a cow-calf production herd.  This article addresses bull selectionRead More…